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Mon - Fri: 9:00am - 4:00pm

Cemetery & Allotments Committee

The main purpose of this Committee is to oversee both the Cemetery and the Allotments.

The Cemetery and Allotments Committee is made up of 6 Councillors, the membership is currently:
Councillors W Hesselgrave (Chairman), D Miles, P Milne, V Tourle and D White. In addition the Allotments Supervisors from both sites (Union Corner and Roebuck Park) and a representative from the Allotment Society, also attend the meetings.  Clerk - Tracy Dean

The Committee is responsible for supervising and along with Officers administering the Council's Cemetery and Allotments. They also recommend to Council the fees and charges and the regulations for both the Cemetery and the Allotments.

2023 Union Corner Allotment Tenancy Agreement
2023 Roebuck Park Allotment Tenancy Agreement
2023 Cemetery Fees and Regulations

Committee meetings are on Wednesdays at 7.00 pm in the Community Hub. The Agendas are issued a week prior to the meeting and can be found on the Council noticeboards and this page. Minutes will be added to the website as soon as they become available, they are however draft minutes until they are agreed at the next meeting.

Agendas & Minutes: