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Mon - Fri: 9:00am - 4:00pm

Staffing Committee

The Staffing Committee shall comprise of 5 councillors appointed by the Council and shall report its proceedings, decisions and recommendations directly to meetings of the Council. Meetings of the Staffing Committee shall be administered by the Parish Clerk or, in the absence of the Parish Clerk, the Deputy Clerk.

General Responsibilities
In accordance with the Staff Policies, consider matters of:
- Recruitment and appraisal of the Parish Clerk (Clerk responsible for all other staff in their capacity as Head of Paid Service).
- Staff discipline or grievance beyond stages managed by Clerk as capacity Head of Paid Service.
- New or amended policies related to staff establishment, pay and conditions etc as maybe proposed by the Clerk as Head of Paid Service.
- Formulate recommendations to Council regarding staff matters in line with the above stated responsibilities.

Membership - A maximum of 5 members.

Quorum - 3 members

Committee Members are:
Cllrs S Gander (Chairperson), F Lulham, G Hesselgrave, and D White.